Building new audiences – access and inclusion


CHwB implements the project „Spreading the word: sustainable accessible museums for disabled children and adults in the Western Balkans“



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  • To improve capacity and creativity for western Balkan museums in facilitating the inclusion of disabled children and adults in museums.
  • Thereby to contribute to strengthening the role of museums as democratic and creative meeting places, valued and trusted civic spaces
  • To embed these gains in future planning and activity and support the empowerment of disabled people and their voices in the museums that they have begun to trust


This project uses a mixture of approaches including direct training, ongoing advice and support, grant-aid and the collaborative production of publications to resource professionals working in Museums in the Region to embed access and inclusion into their everyday work.


We work with the following values:

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  • Respect for the local cultural context;
  • Building capacity not dependence;
  • Recognising expertise wherever it can be found;
  • Supporting and encouraging collaboration rather than competition between Museums.


In this way we aim to achieve sustainability, especially as we engage local people to deliver a number of aspects of the project activity.



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  • Embedded skills and competence within the museums so that they can take a leading role in the field of access to cultural life
  • Increased knowledge and resources to support partnerships and to bring new creative energy into everyday museum practice
  • Higher profile across the region developing the potential of museums as centres of excellence and also encouraging new initiatives and players
  • Bringing the museums alive in the community as places where disabled children and adults feel safe and comfortable
  • A pool of trained trainers who can pass on skills and knowledge to future colleagues and partners
  • A series of publications (adding to the Disability Tool Kit produced by CHwB) that equip museums with good practice and easy to use strategies for better access

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