29th January 2025, 15:30 – 17:00 (CET)
1st AURORA Webinar on Anti-counterfeiting photoluminescent nanomaterials to fight the illicit trafficking of artworks
AURORA mission is to create a cultural heritage preservation and protection tool employing a robust cost-effective solution to track artworks position and transactions, and fast assess their authenticity, through an easy-to-use methodology for stakeholders operating in the field of artifacts management and protection as art dealers, curators, museum managers, auction houses, policy makers, logistics services, and law enforcement agents.
AURORA will realize its ambitious non-destructive solution by combining a multidisciplinary set of excellences in materials science, miniaturized components, and digital technology, to create a nanotechnological chemical marker, and an embedded wireless tracking device converging in a blockchain and IoT based digital tool (AURORA digital tool) through which to implement countermeasures against artwork illicit activities by means of portable devices as smartphones.
The first out of three webinars will be focused on the recent achievements in the formulation of invisible inks to be used for tagging artworks surfaces and make them easily recognizable by observing photoluminescence properties of nanomaterials, which emit under UV lamps.
15:30-15:40 > Introduction
Daniela Iacopino (Tyndall National Institute) and Rodorico Giorgi (CSGI/Università di Firenze)
15:40 – 16:10 > Photoluminescent inks based on Zinc Oxide Quantum Dots for the security of Cultural Heritage Objects
Andrea Louise Matulac (CSGI)
16:10 – 16:40 > Phosphor materials for cultural heritage: synthesis, ink preparation and anticounterfeiting applications
Pawan Kumar (Tyndall National Institute)
16:40 – 17:00 > Q&A session
Register for the webinar
You can download the flyer for the webinar.
The activities are the part of AURORA (Artwork Unique RecognitiOn and tRacking through chemicAl encoded data, miniaturized devices and blockchain alliance) project that is being funded by the European Union Horizon Europe program.
More about AURORA project
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“Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Executive Agency (REA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.”