Balkan Museum Network has held Association’s annual Assembly meeting in Prishtina on 8th of April 2017, during the 5th «Meet, See, Do» conference. Members of the BMN Steering Board Atila Hornok, Irena Ruzhin, Elma Hašimbegović, Tatjana Cvjetićanin, Jonathan Eaton, and Zana Hoxha presented the results that have been achieved in the past year. Agenda of the meeting and other issues can be find in this presentation.
For more detailed overview please see The Report on the BMN activities in the period April 2016–April 2017.
The Plan of future activities for the period April 2017–December 2017 has been presented as well as the list of new institutional and individual members.
All present members have been informed about the proposed changes in the Statute of the Association Balkan Museum Network that change Articles 2, 12, 10 & 20, 23 & 28.
Other issues presented have been the proposed payment of the membership fee and the procedure for the election of four new members of the Steering Board. Irena Ruzhin has been announced as the new Steering Board member and Aida Vezić as the Secretary General of the Association in the second term (for the period Sep 2017 – Sep 2021).
Discussing in small groups participants were invited to discuss what is the best thing about BMN and what could be improved as an input for updating of the BMN Strategic Plan.
Minutes from the previous Assembly meeting that was held in April 2016, Shkoder are available here.
There was a lot of important information presented at the BMN Assembly meeting in Prishtina, including about membership fees and amendments to the Statutes. Please take the time to review the materials above. Then, click on “VOTE” in order to share your thoughts on these important issues for our network. You have until 5 May to vote. It is very important that ALL BMN members share their views.