Call for Project Proposals

CHwB, funded by SIDA and Stavros Niarchos Foundation (as part of its initiative to develop disability inclusion in museums in the Western Balkans) is offering grants to museums in the Western Balkans region in three key themes:  

  1. Involvement, engagement, participation for access and inclusion of disabled people
  2. Social justice
  3. Negotiating the Past/Storytelling

The Call for Proposals is an opportunity for the best ideas to be funded. Several grants will be available of up to €4.000, of which at least five are specifically for projects that include disabled people and developing access. There is also a special award for a project with a cross‐border partnership, up to €7000.

Read more information in the full text of the Call for project Proposals.

Other documents can be downloaded here:
1. Guidance Notes
2. Application Form
3. Budget Form

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