Increasing museum access

Archaeological Museum of Republic of North Macedonia produced ten tactile images with Braille, displayed in the exhibition area near the original artifacts, with one main reason – increasing the inclusiveness. Taking an advantage of the Covid-19 situation the museum has published educational videos in sign language on museum’s social media profiles (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter). The public and the media reacted very positively wanting to find out more about the project “Accessible Museum” as the Archaeological Museum of Republic of North Macedonia was the first in Skopje and the second in the country to offer something of this scale to the disabled.

Disabled people were grateful for the given opportunity to see cultural heritage by touching and reading the stories of the artifacts by themselves. “We are honored that the oldest museum in Macedonia, Archaeological Museum is first in Skopje which promotes its museum activity as Western European countries. What our members, sight and visually impaired people had opportunity to feel with their heart in the countries of the European Community, finally become a reality here in Macedonia as well. Tactile images are so professionally made, that you have a feeling that you are touching the original artifacts. Only by respecting the rights of people with disabilities we will create a society for all. Thank you Balkan Museum Network and Archaeological Museum for this project” said General Secretary of National Union for sight and visually impaired people, Mr.Sterja Dimov.

Archaeological Museum of Republic of North Macedonia has undergone the process of access survey conducted by two members of the Balkan Museum Access Group. They plan to implement all of the recommendations given in the access survey report. “We also intend to apply for another grant to produce sign videos and tactile images for some of the other artifacts displayed at the Museum, as well as implementing tactile guidance system, attention fields, tactile books and audio description“ wrote Iva Laban Public Relations officer of the Archaeological Museum of Republic of North Macedonia.



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