Seven projects to be implemented until the end of 2014

Through the activities of CHwB and with the financial support of government of Sweden and Stavros Niarchos Foundation (as part of its initiative to develop disability inclusion in museums in the Western Balkans) we are happy to announce that following museums will be awarded grants of up to €4.000:

Museum: Title of the project:
History Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina Touch the History
Museum of Tesanj Children in culture
Art gallery of Fier Our Museum, Our Cultural Heritage
National Museum in Zrenjanin Audio and video guide through permanent exhibition of National museum in Zrenjanin
Museum of Mitrovica Mitrovica j t’imae
National Institute for Protection of Monuments of Culture and Museum – Ohrid Return to memories of the Old Ohrid Fishing Boat
Museum of Peja Close  to the Cultural Heritage


We have received 17 project proposals which were evaluated, each by two evaluators and scored between 1-100 points. Read more information about the projects here.


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