BMN M2M mobility scheme is open to individual members of BMN to spend up to seven days in another museum of another coutnry, learning and sharing. The scholarship is responding to a concrete learning need, or a wish to build a missing a skill. We are particularly interested in supporting the collaboration projects between the fellow and a host institution and the use of museums resources for research and development of projects or ideas (the archives, the depot, collections or any other resource to help you in your work). As for the host museums the priority will be given to members of BMN, but other non-member museums are also eligible to apply as a host institution.
Museum2Museum programme was organized for the first time in 2019 and two heritage and museum professionals have spent a week each, learning and exchanging with colleagues from another museum.
“The mobility scheme is one of the most precious professional experiences I had been able to take part in. Thanks to the support of the Balkan Museum Network and the National Museum of KikindaI was in a position to study museum’s practices by actively participating in them. One of the greatest lessons I learned is that the core of every museum is its community. Only when people occupy museum’s space, the institution does its work properly. I was one of several hundreds who occupied the National Museum of Kikinda, the museum that designs programs for all community, and raises generations of people to care.” Aida Mia Alic
“I would like to thank the Balkan Museum Network for the M2M project, and I find it very useful for one museum worker to gain new experiences and acquaintances with colleagues in the work of another museum.” Ana Vishinova
Note: Due to Covid-19 pandemic deadline for applications and period of placements is postponed until further notice.
If you are interested, please apply until 01 April 2020 and plan the visit to take place in the period 01 May – 31 November 2020. Documents needed for the application are
- Filled in online application form available at this link
- Prepare and upload the Letter of Motivation explaining your idea and motivation (up to 1.000 words) (To be uploaded into the application form).
- Upload the Letter from your employer granting you absence from the work (To be uploaded into the application form).
- Upload the Letter from the host institution expressing the consent to host you (To be uploaded into the application form). This letter should show institutional commitment and explain 1) How your museum will provide the support to the scholar (making staff available for the communication, providing information, documentation, granting access to the collections and depot, participation in programs, and similar)?; (2) How will your museum ensure two way communication?; (3) What benefits do you expect from taking part in BMN M2M?
The money for the BMN Museum2Museum scholarship scheme is made available from the membership fees paid by BMN members.
Read the full text of the call and contact us if you have any questions.