Awarded projects

Here you can find the list of institutions (and titles of their projects) that were the most successful applications to CHwB’s Call for Project Proposals.

Institution Name of the project
Bosniac Institute – Adil Zulfikarpašić Foundation, Sarajevo, Bosnia Our heritage: Hear and learn
Museum in Smederevo, Serbia Virtual Walk Through Smederevo Fortress
National Museum of Macedonia – Skopje Music Includes and Unites Everyone
Public Institution Museum of Tešanj, Bosnia Inclusion of disabled women in the culture through traditional house craft techniques of Tešanj`s area
OSTEN Skopje, Museum of Drawing, FYROM OSTEN Museum of Drawing web portal
The Gallery of Matica Srpska, Novi Sad, Serbia Art and Inclusion – Inclusive Art Workshops
Museum of Yugoslav History Bikeculture – pedelling trough the history of New Belgrade
National Museum Zrenjanin, Serbia Paint, present – Be a part of the community
Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments and Museum of Ohrid, FYROM Touch the culture – feel the art
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