BMN is proud member of the Network of European Museum Organisations for almost a decade. NEMO offers various opportunities for its members such as training, webinars, and mentoring. You can apply for one-on-one mentoring programme, activities of LEM working group and most importantly to become NEMO member.
BMN member were among 10 persons selected for the one-to-one mentoring programme in 2024. The next call for applications will be issued in early 2025.
Two BMN members Inesa Sulaj and Erilda Selaj participated in the LEM Study Visit in Tallinn, Estonia, in September 2024. The focus of this Study Visit was diversity and inclusion in museums. On the first day, participants visited the Kalamaja Community Museum and learned how to build strong relationships with the local community. The museum was created with the help of the locals, with exhibitions and a public programme to learn about local history, the present, and the future.
Afterwards they visited Estonians most accessible museum, the Estonian Maritime Museum, will be visited. They have developed their new exposition in cooperation with different communities with different disabilities. Starting from the dedicated route for visually impaired and tactile boards to sign language videos created for the hearing impaired.
Childrens’ Museum MiaMilla. Was a true learning experience on how to develop a kid’s community and make an exhibition together with kids. Other museums visited were the Estonian Open-Air Museum and the Museum of Freedom and Occupation.
NEMO grant holders contributed with a short presentation of projects and practice in their institution, country or elsewhere related to diversity & inclusion, which they consider as good practices. You can find the full report from the training and these presentations on NEMO website
BMN members also took part in the NEMO ENCATC Academy 2024 that was held in April in France.
The next NEMO Training will soon be announced. Until then have a look at NEMO webinars for some capacity building at home.
As for membership in NEMO, at the end of Jan 2025 NEMO will issue again a call for museums to try membership for free for 1 year. There will be five open slots to become a NEMO member – DO APPLY!
Save the date for the 2025 NEMO European Museum Conference taking place from 26-28 October 2025 in Horsens, Denmark, will explore museums’ role in wellbeing and (mental) health.
In 2024, three BMN representatives (Milena Milošević Micić, Irena Ruzin and Aida Vežić) took part in Sibiu at NEMO European Museum Conference titled “Can we talk? Museums facing polarisation”.