Call for Nominations: The Peace Curator Prize for the Western Balkan region

In a world still grappling with the remnants of past conflicts and the emergence of new divisions, the mission of peace-building, reconciliation and intercultural dialogue, remains a cornerstone of societal progress. Heritage professionals, through their dedicated efforts, play a crucial role in bridging divides, fostering understanding, and healing wounds that linger in the collective consciousness of communities. Their work in museums goes beyond preservation; interpreting and presenting our past and present actively contributes to the understanding of common heritage and dialogue necessary for mutual respect.

Nominate a heritage professional, and let us celebrate the remarkable individuals who, through their dedication and insight, ensure that museums continue to be spaces of reflection and connection.

Recognizing the invaluable contributions of these individuals is at the heart of our initiative. It is in this spirit that we invite nominations for the “Peace Curator Prize,” a first time award that honours those exceptional individuals who embody the essence of a museum’s social role. Their work not only preserves our cultural heritage but also facilitates conversations that transcend historical divisions, showcasing the transformative power of museums as platforms for dialogue and understanding.

Award is dedicated to a museum professional who has

  • developed activity/program/exhibition that has opened up difficult and/or dangerous questions and connected different peoples
  • promoted non-violent communication and peaceful resolution of conflict
  • and fostered an environment of inclusivity and mutual respect.
  • created spaces for (intercultural, inter-generational) dialogue

The award is monetary and it is 300 EUR (250 EUR in cash and 50 USD as an Amazon coupon), partly provided by the honorary and founding member of the Balkan Museum Network Dr Diana Walters.

The award is for one professional from the Western Balkan region, (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia).

For nominations, please fill in this form

Nominations are accepted until April 10th, 2024.

If you have questions please write to


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