Increase of accessibility of Museum contents and meanings for persons with disabilities (PwDs) by using Digital Technologies – analysis of questionnaire results
During the second half of March 2023, Balkan Museum Network (BMN) conducted a survey to determine how many members use digital technologies (DT) to increase accessibility for socially vulnerable groups of people with disabilities. Ten member museums have filled out the online questionnaire which was designed and analysed by Aida
BMN Small Grants 2023: The Call for Proposals
We are inviting members to apply to a competitive public call under “Small grants 2023” scheme. Up to 1.200 EUR will be granted to up to 5 member museums in one or more thematic areas: Collection care Audience engagement Heritage interpretation The topics can be viewed from the perspective of
AURORA has started on January 1st 2023
We are happy to inform you that BMN is one of the partners in a three-year project titled AURORA – Artwork Unique RecognitiOn and tRacking through chemicAl encoded data, miniaturized devices and blockchain alliance led by the TECHEDGE SPA Italy and funded through HORIZON EU Research and Innovation Actions. Photos:
Accessible museums, galleries and historical sites of the Balkans on one place
As part of the regional project “Improving the accessibility of museums in the Balkans for people with disabilities”, a Map of accessible museums, galleries and historical sites was launched. Map of accessible museums, galleries and historical sites is the first map of its kind that contains the most important information
New project has started!
We are happy to inform you that BMN has received £20,000 for a two year support from the Headley Trust UK. Within the project “Safeguarding the Heritage in Times of Crisis”, BMN would be able to support up to 10 small museum projects and organize an international event on the
SHIFT has started on Oct 1
We are happy to inform you that BMN is one of the partners in a three year project titled SHIFT – «MetamorphoSis of cultural Heritage Into augmented hypermedia assets For enhanced accessibiliTy and inclusion” led by the SOFTWARE IMAGINATION & VISION SRL from Romania and funded through Horizon EU program.
Khanga and Kitenge Textiles Interpretation
Museum of African Art, Belgrade The objective of the project carried out at the Museum of African Art was to explore and produce new forms of heritage interpretation pertaining to colourful industrial textiles called khanga and kitenge, which are widely used on the African continent: the khanga cloth is a
Webinar “Innovation in inclusion, small steps toward great museums”
Join a free international webinar with inspiring examples of museum activities that increase access and inclusion of persons with disabilities in the activities of the museum and museum networks. The webinar will take place on Tuesday, 31 May 2022, 15:00 – 18:00 CET on Zoom platform. Speakers at the webinar
The Bag Full of Toys
War Childhood Museum from Sarajevo (WCM) selected stories about museum objects and printed them in Braille. Also replicas of toys that are museum objects were produced. An inclusive workshop inspired by the Museum’s collection was held. The workshop aimed to make different stories and objects accessible to museums’s participants, blind
Children color history of Jablanica
The Museum „Battle for the Wounded on Neretva River“ Jablanica realized the project „Creating Interpretive Coloring Books“ by implementing two workshops and publishing their first coloring book. The participants of the first workshop, members of local NGO Art Assocciation “Neretva”, made drawings for the coloring book. The drawings were later