Take part in the survey, put your museum on the map

Within the regional project “Improving the accessibility of Balkan museums for people with disabilities”, which is implemented in partnership with museums from Kikinda, Knjazevac, Skopje and Visoko, a series of activities will be carried out aimed at supporting museums to increase their accessibility.  A special activity of this project is

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MuZEH Lab Jorgan and Artisans-lost nostalgia

Is not always easy deepening into nostalgia, but when it comes to Jorgans-Quilts, then the conversation is pleasant, especially as women are emotionally connected with this beautiful, creative and everyday object. MuZEH Lab has undertaken some deepen interviews-conversation inside our Lab room for the purpose of collecting the narratives about

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Solidarity with Ukraine

The Balkan Museum Network expresses its deep concern for the loss of human lives and the destruction of cultural heritage monuments in Ukraine. We plead the sides in this horrible conflict to immediately stop the war. We condemn the suffering of innocent humans and devastations to culture and heritage, as the region that

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Fourth transnational project meeting of ToMiMEUs project

The fourth Transnational Meeting of the project Towards a Multisensory and Inclusive Museum for Individuals with Sensory Disabilities / TOMIMEUS was held in Istanbul, on January 24 and 25, 2022. The meeting was organized by the Turkish Regional Directorate of Railways. Topics that were discussed at the meeting included the

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Highlights of 2021

You can read an overview of highlights of BMN activities in 2021 in this pdf document. 

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Four museum projects receive support

We are happy to announce that four museums have received support from BMN Small Grants 2022 scheme, thanks to financial support of the Headley Trust UK. They are very excited to start with activities and we wish them a lot of fun, learning and great partnerships! Museum of African Art,

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History Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina implemented a serious of workshops in cooperation with the Catholic School Center Saint Joseph from Sarajevo. The museum team developing three prototype workshops in psychology, human rights and literature, relating the content to the topics in the school’s curriculum. 95% of 70 young people

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Applications For Small Grants 2022

We are inviting member museums to apply to a competitive call “Small grants 2022”. Up to 1.100 EUR will be granted to up to 3 member museums in one or more thematic areas: Audience engagement Collection care Heritage interpretation To qualify for funding, a project must: Be submitted by members

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Digitization as protection of museum artifacts

The Homeland Museum in Visoko has started digitization of the museum artifacts: the legacy of Marica Vojnović, which consists of a collection of photographs, furniture, textile furniture and a collection of sacral objects from the 19th and the first half of the 20th century. The objects will be protected in

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Third transnational meeting of ToMiMEUs Project

Hosted by the House of Traditions the third transnational meeting of ToMiMEUs (Towards a multisensory and inclusive museum for individuals with sensory disabilities) project took place n the 25th and 26th of October, 2021. The meeting was attended by the representatives of all members of consortium, who discussed the development

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