Bibliography for AURORA project

For the research purposes of the International „AURORA“ project, the „Balkan Museum Network“ created a detailed Bibliography of works on the topics that the project deals with: anti-counterfeiting artworks, deep learning about artworks through chemical analysis and spectroscopy, and prevention of theft of artworks/museum artifacts. Aida Šarac Berbić has conducted

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Webinar: Examples of Increased Access to Museums and Heritage

On December 3rd, 2021, N.I. “Institute and museum Bitola” in cooperation with “The Balkan Museum Network” organizes webinar titled “Examples of Increased Access to Museums and Heritage”. Four great speakers will present excellent examples from the region: Željka Sušić – “KORAZH- Elderly and Museum” (Croatia); Aida Šarac – “Blue artism:

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Doll’s talks – Work in progress

From January 2021 the  Museum of Vojvodina in Novi Sad starts with the new educational programme for families and groups. The Puppet Theater performances tell two stories of the museum Helmet from grandma’s garden and Ah love. Interesting stories will be told using innovative interpretative tool for the part of

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Recordings of the webinars

If you missed the two webinars about museum education practices and inclusion of disabled people in museums’ programmes you can find the recordings on BMN YouTube chanel. If you would like to present something to others we would love to hear from you! Just send an email about your  webinar

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