Five new museum projects

Small Grants 2021 are granted to five member museums. Read summaries of their projects that will be implemented with the financial support of Headley Trust UK.Our colleagues are very excited to be starting with these activities. We will bring news about the projects in the following months.

National Institution Museum of the Macedonian Struggle for Independence-Skopje will implement the project titled “FOCUS” -Fostering of Capacities for Unique Senses experience for visitors. The objectives of the project “FOCUS” is to improve interpretation and accessibility in the museum permanent exhibition through tactile images, audio recording narration and sign language videos, to share knowledge with the museum staff about accessibility, to gain new visitors, to learn how to provide multisensory experience and to raise public awareness about accessibility in museums and to develop and foster cooperation both on local, national and international level.

The History Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina will implement the project titled “Safe_learning@museum”. The project is developed to use the museum in overcoming COVID 19 global crisis – it is focused on schools and education. The Safe_learning@Emuseum project aims to provide virtual/cyber life for History Museum of BIH, which will serve as a platform for museum education in overcoming pandemic crisis. The mission of the Virtual Museum is to create online/offline education program, which will follow the school curriculum in three subjects: history, human rights and art history. The project will help the museum increase its capacities and to develop cooperation with schools and museum educators.

Museum of Old Herzegovina Foča will impalement the project titled “A touch of the past – inclusion in the museum”. The project will bring closer the museum exhibits to blind and partially sighted people with audio guides, flyers and new exhibition panels in Braille. So far, blind and partially signed people have not had the opportunity to get acquainted with the cultural and historical heritage of Foča and its surroundings in this way.

Municipal Public Institution “Museums Kotor” will implement the project “A long tradition of maritime sciences”. The project will be implemented throw collaboration with Maritme High School in Kotor to share heritage, spread awareness about maritime history, museums, and collections and educate students about differences in maritime trading using navigation instruments.

The Homeland museum of Visoko will implement the project title “Portrait of a Lady: Marica Vojnović (1892-1982), from Visoko – digitalization of the museum collection in the service of collective and individual memory”. The Photographic material from the legacy of Marica Vojnović includes 184 photographs and the project will digitize them. Two employees of the Homeland museum of Visoko will be educated about the processes of digitalization in partnership with Zenica City Museum, which will provide the space and technical equipment for work. Volunteer students will also be engaged in digitalization and will learn about photography, the role of photography in museum, and other topic. The elderly population will be included in the project by inviting them to narrate their memories.

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