Inclusive workshops and the digitisation process

Zenica City Museum finalized the implementation of the project “3D MUSE” which produced new museum services, developed educational activities and material, as well as improved the museum infrastructure and established new partnership, involving around 200 persons in total. The results of the project are a good basis for the continuation of the digitisation process of the museum.

The coin of the Bosnian king, from the museum´s collection, as well as an antique lamp, were scanned and printed using 3D printing technology, in cooperation with the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Impulse creative centre (part of ZEDA – Economic Development Agency in Zenica). Both objects were used in educational workshops. Four inclusive workshops were held for the young people that were introduced to a part of the Bosnian history in an interesting way. The workshops have been realised in cooperation with the a ssociation “Let’s be friends” and the School for Education and Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities in the Psycho-physical Development Zenica. Throughout the workshops the participants realized that museum is willing to engage them in the creative work, is a space for socializing and the exchange of experiences and emotions,  identifying the museum as a place for creating social bonds.

The main project successes have been enriching the permanent exhibition with a new presentation of the collection in the “technological corners”. Multimedia material, as well as information about the collections, is now available on tablets throughout the museum in a user friendly way that also contains information in a sign language. Together with the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Zenica the museum developed a mobile application for all the visitors.


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