“Mitrovica je t’aime”

“Mitrovica je t’aime” is a project implemented by the Museum of Mitrovica, under the Negotiating and Past/Storytelling category of a small grants programme of the Balkan Museum Network. Project aims to raise the awareness on the cultural diversity of the city, from a bright/positive opinions from different ethnicities living in Mitrovica, with a collection of 50 short opinions produced on a final DVD. At the moment, more than 100 surveys are prepared in Albanian and Serbian and spread among citizens of Mitrovica.  These will be public in a new space in a Museum of Mitrovica, with a digital approach to the history of Mitrovica. Parallel to this activity of collecting positive opinions, museum is also working on a roof that was damaged, to prepare the exhibition room.  Musem staff and volunteers have gone through soft skill and social media training, to get a better approach for promoting the project and Museum in public. Also, the brend of the project is designed and it is being spread through social media, in different languages, to help Museum of Mitrovica get closer to the audience, and make the audience feel more close to the Museum and the city. 10668175_4455672726503_328887874_n

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