Stories from the Balkans

New project of the Balkan Museum Network titled “Stories from the Balkans” is focused on interpretation and development of the capacities of BMN members in this field.

The project “Stories from the Balkans” will contribute to museum and heritage sites become places of creative interaction, engaging visitors and showing multiple stories and perspectives. The aim of the project is to promote social equality and improve all forms of access to museums (physical, sensory, intellectual, emotional, psychological and other).

The project is funded by the Headley Trust from UK, and will be implemented in the period of 24 months, starting from February 2017.

The main project activities are establishment of the interpretation working group, organisation of interpretation capacity building workshops, conducting the accessibility surveys and supporting Balkan Museum Access Group.

As part of the project, “Interpretation Toolkit” will be produced and funded small access adjustments in museums tied to access surveys and enabling improvements of the physical and sensory aspects of exhibitions and collections.

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