Small grants 2018

APPLICATIONS FOR SMALL GRANTS 2018 ARE OPEN! If you have developed a projects proposal dealing with either access and inclusion of Deaf and disabled people in museums or interpretation of cultural heritage, apply to CHwB B&H and BMN grant. Maximum total amount requested can be up to 4.000 EUR. A

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Inclusive workshops and the digitisation process

Zenica City Museum finalized the implementation of the project “3D MUSE” which produced new museum services, developed educational activities and material, as well as improved the museum infrastructure and established new partnership, involving around 200 persons in total. The results of the project are a good basis for the continuation

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Funds for Compelling and Innovative Museum Projects

For the fourth year in a row, Balkan Museum Network (BMN) and Cultural Heritage without Borders in BiH (CHwB BiH) are organizing small grants scheme. ✓ If your museum is member of the Balkan Museum Network, ✓ If you want to cooperate with partners (another museum or non-museum organisation), ✓

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Crafting Access

Cultural Heritage without Borders Bosnia and Herzegovina is happy to announce that the beginning of the project “Crafting Access ‐ capacity building for heritage and craft-based inclusion across the western Balkans” is scheduled for 1st of September 2015. Together with Balkan Museum Network (BMN), Deaf and disabled people’s organizations across

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Audio and video guide through permanent exhibition of National museum in Zrenjanin

As one of the seven museums included in a small grants programme of the Balkan Museum Network, National Museum in Zrenjanin is working on a project to modernize access for visitors with disabilities. Dedicated team from the museum in Zrenjanin is developing this project in a way they are making

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