Webinar – Mu.SA: Training of museum professionals in the digital age

ICOM – Hellenic National Committee and Hellenic Open University – DAISSy Research Group are offering a webinar to BMN member, on April 30, 2020 | 13:00-14:00 CET. The webinar aims at presenting the results of the Mu.SA (Museum Sector Alliance) project and discuss the training needs of museum professionals for

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Accessible interpretation of The Archaeological Museum of North Macedonia’ collection

Based on the recommendation from the “Access Survey Report” BMN member museum “The Archaeological Museum of North Macedonia” implemented a number of very interesting activities as a significant step in increasing its accessibility. This professional approach and concept was first implemented almost two years ago at the Bitola Institute and

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Creating Together – Learning Together

The workshop titled “Creating Together – Learning Together” is the third inclusive workshop within the project “Tinkering and Making for Human Rights – improving cultural participation of children”. The workshop is designed by the project partner “Zenica Vity Museum” and it will be held at the Public Institution Centre for

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Spend a week in another museum learning and sharing

BMN M2M mobility scheme is open to individual members of BMN to spend up to seven days in another museum of another coutnry, learning and sharing. The scholarship is responding to a concrete learning need, or a wish to build a missing a skill. We are particularly interested in supporting

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Museum e-Know@ll – culture and virtual adventure

Dealing with museum pedagogy for the past 40 years, the curators of the Museum of Vojvodina have been designing programs for all visitor categories. One of the main goals of their diverse activities is the creation of the permanent museum audience. In order to achieve this goal, interesting exhibitions and

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Museums teaching children human rights

Toolkit with best museum practices in teaching human rights to children in an inclusive workshops is being made as part of the project “Tinkering and Making for Human Rights– improving cultural participation of children with disabilities”. The focus is on Bosnia and Herzegovina, but examples coming from other Balkan regions

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Museum Archaeology in Serbia and the Myth of Museum Neutrality

Aiming to start conversations on different topics relevant to museums and heritage community, we bring you the English translation of an article which was published in Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology 13 (3), 575–594  by Tatjana Cvjetićanin (National Museum, Belgrade) titled “Museum Archaeology in Serbia and the Myth of Museum

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ALBUM – innovative museum programme

The project Album was carried out in fall 2017 by three partner museums from the city of Zagreb and financed by the Ministry of Culture. It was initiated by Željka Sušić, a museum educator adviser from the Typhlological Museum in cooperation with the Ethnographic Museum and the Technical Museum Nikola

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Tactile Exhibition travels from Northern Macedonia to Serbia

At the National Museum of Leskovac, on December 24, 2019, visiting tactile exhibition from the collection of the National Institute and the Bitola Museum, Republic of Northern Macedonia, opened. The exhibition shows 20 tactile images of objects from the rich collections of the Museum in Bitola, as well as tactile

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Fifth member museum conducts Access Survey

The Archeological Museum of the Republic of North Macedonia is the fifth member of the BMN to undergo the process of access survey. Two access consultants from BMAG (Bakan Museums Access Group) Irena Ruzin and Milena Milosevic Micic conducted a field visit to the museum interviewing the management and the

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